Sunday, January 23, 2011


I have decided that rather than rent a storage facility for all of the art Kenna brings home...I will record them digitally and (gasp) throw them out...I am saving a few that are my favorites, but will post the rest online!!


--kenna can spell a few words on her own, Mckenna and mommy in the flowers--

--didn't realize I didn't rotate this...oops, Kenna and her BFF Campbell (girl from school)--

--Christmas tree--

--yes she officially knows more about art than I...had no idea what stippling was!--

--apparently its artful ripping ;)--

--kenna and her tree with presents--

--we went and saw tangled for a mommy date, this is Repunzel--

--special invite to her Christmas performance (her hand is santa)--

--coloring Dora--

--and barbie--

--Zachey's first real colored picture!--

--she was SOOOO proud of this book! They traced all the continents and drew in the water--

--she couldn't WAIT to bring it home :) --

--getting pretty good at writing :) --

Kenna LOVES all things art. She is often coloring, painting, and drawing at home. I really need to capture her art more often! She does something at school everyday, and at Eski's as well! Busy little girl!

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