Sunday, December 04, 2011

Sensitive Lady

We have recently branched out of the animated princess movies and into PG movies for Ms. Kenna. She can understand the plots, and usually has good questions about the characters!

One of the latest installments has been "Air Bud." In the movie a boy finds a dog, and discovers he can play basketball. His real owner (a bad man) comes back to retrieve him and the boy tries to help the dog get away. The only way to do that is to take him far away and tell the dog he doesn't want him anymore. He tells him to go away, as he knows that if the dog stays with him the bad man will find him.

Kenna has seen the movie a few times and always starts bawling her eyes out. She gets so emotional saying "he is such......a" She knows the ending in that they are reunited, but it warms my heart to see that she is so sensitive...

Hard to grow up isn't it kiddo ;)

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