Monday, May 06, 2013

Kenna got her ears pierced!

McKenna announced last weekend that she wanted her ears pierced for her birthday. I talked to her all weekend about it, how it would hurt, how she had to take care of them, and that it was like two big shots in her ears. She said that she wanted to do it, and that she would be brave.

I packed all the kids up Sunday and we headed to the mall. We got there right as it opened so the people at Claires wouldn't be distracted. The lady who did it was so nice, she explained to McKenna what she was going to do, and she made sure I was happy with the placement. Kenna picked out her earrings, and she grabbed ahold of the little bear.

The first ear was a delayed reaction where she tried not to cry. She sobbed a little as they did the second one. I told her that we could pick out a pair of earrings to take home as her reward for being brave. That cheered her up.

I got a little weepy as I am seeing my little girl experience all of these rights of passage into young lady-hood. Every day she is less my little girl, and more a young woman - it scares me! I cherish the times she still calls me mommy and wants to snuggle as I feel there are so few of those moments left...cherishing every one!

So proud of her making this decision and being so responsible since. She makes sure we clean them 3 times a day and that she is very careful. What a sweet girl!

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