Friday, August 08, 2014

Grayson Cuteness

As Grayson becomes less baby and more little boy I relish in some of his last "babyness." One of the things I giggle at every time is his use of the word "something." The kids constantly play I Spy in the car and when it's his turn it never fails. .."I spy with my ittle yi....SOMMMMME-PPPPING..." is adorable.  Instead of someTHing... he changes it to somePing which the cuteness level is only multiplied when he draws it out looking for the perfect item to spy :)

The other babyism I have recently noticed is his use if pronouns.  Instead of saying "That is her dog" grayson instead uses she..."That is she's dog." Part of me wants to correct him. .. But part of me is holding on to this and loving the innocence of it all!

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