Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Flag Football

We have always said that Zach isn't going to be our aggressive competitive kid. But he does get an A for sportsmanship and rule following! He is the first to give high fives and say good job to his team mates and to do exactly what the coach tells him. And this mom is totally fine with that!

It was good for Josh and Zach to have something to do together. For 6 weeks they played father/son flag football. Josh would help Zachey learn about what the different positions did, and Zachey would listen. Was funny watching all the little 5 year herding cattle I thought! But they all seemed to have fun. Zach's last game was sort of a nightmare. It was like 40 degrees and the field was sopping wet. He got soaked in the beginning and refused to play the rest of the game....maybe football isn't his thing :)

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