Monday, November 20, 2006

PS3 - crazy people

I had to dedicate a blog to the infamous PS3. Let me tell you the extent of the crazy people. We launched the PS3 (playstation 3) on Friday this week. On Wednesday....WEDNESDAY, people were asking if they could line up, and sleep in 20 degree weather overnight for two days. We told them that the earliest we would allow a lineup would be at midnight. Here is a video showing the initial lineup that had to be facilitated by a cop to avoid riots, stabbings, death...etc.

We had 26 units, and people slept for many hours in order to get them. Some posted on ebay in an attempt to make $1000. Some are just crazy.

Then, we launched the Nintendo Wii on Sunday. Again, a line formed 24 hours in advance for the 45 units that we received. People, I have determined, are crazy.

On the homefront - everyone is sick. Josh has been coughing for a week, and now McKenna is as well. We have been pumping them full of drugs, and I think the little one is feeling better, but Josh is going to the doctor today if things don't improve. I have somehow avoided it?

Finally - I just finished my first 10 weeks of kickboxing. I am happy to report that I lost weight, and 12 inches (woohoo!) I signed up for another year, so hopefully cute little summery outfits are in my future :)


Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

Thats crazy!! 12 inches!! great for you!! love yas! tell josh to get better! SEE YOU IN A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!

Kathleen said...

Hope you can continue to avoid it! Sickness isn't fun!
Wow, that is just crazy, what people won't do, for video games, huh?
That is awesome, about you losing weight/inches. It always feels great. Congrats!!