Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Busy Busy

Well, I started working full time again this week, and I am already tired. We travel so much! I was in the office Monday, and after we picked up the car from the shop (minor sensor problem) I headed home, had a few minutes with the family, then it was baths and bed! Today I drove with Char to cedar rapids for an department of labor assessment, then to Iowa City to follow up on some new managers, then home by 6pm. I made dinner for my family, forgetting that they will not be home till later. Josh's boss's boss is in town and they are eating out. Kenna is at Gona's. Then I am in Minneapolis the next two days for Labor Law training, then in the office again on Friday...wow!

--Here is Kenna putting on a show and singing--

--she is wearing auntie chelsey's outfit--

--more singing and general silliness--

But we did have a busy weekend as well. On Friday Kenna and I went to Ankeny's splash park. It is great with lots of crazy squirting water gadgets. Well, she wasn't too excited, but did have fun watching the kids! Maybe next year :)

--fun getting ready for the park, not so fun once we got there--

Then on Saturday we went shopping for two upcoming birthday parties, and bought her a rail for her bed. Gona and Baca brought over her vanity which was her great great grandmothers. It was really cute watching her play with it. So we moved her room around to make room for her new addition, and consequently moved her bed away from the wall. So the little bed rail gives us peace of mind, and she hasn't fallen out at all, so obviously it works!

--Kenna playing at her new vanity--

--Thanks Gona!! Look how tan she is back from Italy!--

That night I had to say goodbye to a dear friend of mine. Bryan or BK as everyone calls him, is one of the funniest people I have ever met. He does all of Chris Farley's characters and makes me cry because I laugh so hard. He got his degree in film production and finally got a great job in New York. BK - I will miss you!!!

--Me and BK, and BK's three beers--

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