Thursday, February 04, 2010

Sleeping Beauty RIP

Josh was working downstairs, and Kenna was playing with all her dolls down there with him. I was working upstairs in the office when the saddest little sob comes walking up the stairs. Kenna peaks her head around the corner and looks at me with the saddest face I have ever seen.

"Mommy.......I was trying to take off sweeping beauty's dress, and I pulled too hard and her head came off. Daddy can't fix it, will you make it better?"

After digging out the needle nose pliers, superglue, tweezers....I was unsuccessful. I tried the distraction tactic and sent her downstairs, saying I needed some time to fix it. She would come up every few minutes to "check on her." Finally I told her that I didn't think I could fix her.

She started to quietly sob, it almost broke my heart. Then she said "but mommy, I love her!" So, I shed a few tears and promised her that in the morning we would go out and buy a brand new sleeping beauty. Normally we do not replace toys that are broken - but this was a special case. Sleeping beauty is her favorite!

--this is the scene I came down to in the morning. Kenna said all the princesses were "really worried about her"--

Needless to say, we have a new sleeping beauty, may the old one rest in peace :)


Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

OMG!! That is a hilarious picture!!

Lisa said...

Our Ariel had the same thing happen. She is Jessi's favorite. Unfortunately, Ariel seems to be a lot of little girls' favorites because we can't find her anywhere. I wish they made these toys better,