Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Here comes Santa

This last weekend we also went to see Santa at the Ankeny fire house! This is the first year we have gone and it was really fun! Every year local businesses decorate trees to give to families who other wise couldn't afford them. They also give out cookies, hot chocolate, popcorn and goodie bags for the kids. There was a brass band playing Christmas carols and Santa and Mrs. Clause made their appearance!

--some of the pretty trees--

--Kenna waiting in line to see Santa-- 

--one of the trees had a working toy train inside it! The kids were checking it out--

--typical one year old response to Santa...get me outta here!--

Kenna asked Santa for Belle slippers, Belle movie and perfume. She is kind of on a Beauty and the Beast kick :) They sent the kids away with peanuts, apples and candy. Zachey became obsessed with the popcorn as a distraction in the Santa line and cried hysterically when we tried to take it away. So his lunch consisted of popcorn, milk and turkey :)

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