Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Kenna Room Remodel

I am a wee bit behind on the blog updates! Made a personal goal to be caught up by Ragbrai - which gives me 2 weeks!!

Kenna has been talking for the last few months about upgrading her baby room to a big girl room. We really ran into the need this year when she started having more homework - and the boys would be too loud downstairs for her to have a quiet place to do it. So - we decided that she needed a desk - and with that a room remodel for her birthday.

We have been slowly transitioning the molding upstairs from builders grade oak blah to a more elegant gray/white (thicker with nice window headers.) We decided that one room at a time was easier to bite off than the entire top floor.

Here are the befores:


And the Afters:

I am SOOOO happy with all of the choices we made - from color to trim to bedding - it is SOOO kenna! It was a lot of painting on my part and carpentry on Josh's part - but really turned out perfectly! Kenna loves it so that is all that matters!

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