Tuesday, June 03, 2008

McKenna's fun-ness

When we got back from our vacation our little girl who could communicate in a combination of sign language, baby talk and single words can now say full sentences and will repeat everything you say. I guess 2 weeks of constant attention from Gramma Rue really did the trick! She can count to 10 all by herself, and if you ask her how many of something there are, she will count them. Some fun things from this morning:

Mommy: McKenna, what do you want for breakfast?
McKenna: hum, yogurt and na-nana and juice in my chai (chair)

later in the day: mommy, we go park n pay wif ry-ee? (play with rylee)
baby have a icky di-pa, mommy change it (referring to her doll)

during lunch:
Mommy: McKenna, don't use your hands to eat your strawberries, use your fork like a big girl.
McKenna: mommy, no use hands, big girl (showing me her fork with a strawberry on it)

before nap: mommy read book in chai, den go night-night wif bea n baby

I cannot believe the concepts she is grasping. It seems she can repeat everything now....it is simply amazing!!! Now I just need to get on potty training :)

This Saturday we went to Emily and Aaron's wedding. I work with both of them, and have been both of their boss at one time or another. McKenna was the flower girl and did a GREAT job! We got there at about 3:30 and she was a little leary about taking pictures with the bridal party, but after being pulled around in her flower girl wagon, she warmed up a bit.

--they gave her a necklace to wear--

--closeup with necklace--

--mommy, gramma rue, and mac--

--here we are practicing being pulled down the aisle--

--she went over to give Emily some cheerios--

--then we got some cute pictures--

--sitting there posing--

--the lighting is a little bad, but the ring bearer pulled her down the aisle, and the wagon was filled with rose pedals....she did so well, smiling the whole way!--

The crowd oohed and awed at her when she came down, everyone giggled and smiled...it was a proud mommy moment! Great job little one!!!

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