Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nameless child

Josh and I are having a heck of a time agreeing on what to name Baby Boy. I thought for sure we had decided..then Josh changed his mind. Sigh. For now I will continue to call him baby. My requirements are that it be a nicknameable name. For someone who could never have a nickname (because what is short for Brandi....Bra?) I want my kids to have options :) I also want something that is cute when he is little, but will also still be fit for an adult name. I think Josh wants something that will sound good over a loudspeaker when he is being brought onto the field in his future NFL career, as well as a name that does not rhyme with typical teasing phrases (insert your own elementary school drama here.)

So if any of you have any suggestions...we have been compiling a list for weeks now! Hopefully baby doesn't come before we have decided!


Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

lance, forest, tyson, vincent

Deena said...

Shane Mace Skinner is the perfect name!

Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...


Unknown said...

I still like my pick of Callum. :) But also like your pick of Caleb..or Kaleb.

Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

i like caleb too and shane