Thursday, January 08, 2009


I have MANY events and pictures that I have not had time to update on here...but soon to come! I only have 2 more weeks of Full time before I drop back down to 3 days a week...woohoo! I will continue as the district human resource manager, just in a jobshare capacity and am very excited. I am not sure how some of these full time working moms do it!

Had my 29 week check up yesterday and all is well. I freaked out for about 2 minutes as they had a hard time finding the heartbeat...little did I know the device checking for it had a dead battery....WHY would they do that to a person! All is perfectly in check, measuring normal and I like their scale much better than mine because it says I have only gained 25 pounds at this point, so I'll take that over mine which said around 30! My goal is to not exceed 40, just like with Kenna, so we'll see!

Kenna gets cuter and more inquisitive everyday. She asked me the other day why cows need 4 funny! She still does not understand that she can get out of her bed without calling us. I usually start hearing her around 7 every morning "mommy, I ready to get up!" Or sometimes earlier in the morning "Mommy, I have to go pee-pee!" Luckily those early morning trips to the bathroom usually still result in her going back to bed after. She has been doing very well during overnights in keeping herself dry!

Some of her favorite christmas gifts were: tent from santa; kitchen stuff from grampa rue; digital camera from mike and bridgot; rockin guitars from april and gona and baca; curious george doll and jammies from mommy, daddy and santa; art stuff from gona and baca; playdoh from gavin; travel kit from auntie em and mark; dolly from gramma rue and chapstick from gramma rue. I know chapstick sounds funny, but she had never had any until my mom came to visit. She thinks it is so cool that she can put it on whenever she wants. She will usually say "I need some chackstick, my lips are frozen." So cute!

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