Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Funny things

Lately we have been leaning on anyone who would like to play with Kenna for the evening. I have a hard time keeping up with her because she always wants to do puzzles on the floor, play tag, or something that involves moving faster than I can waddle. Josh has been busy with work and/or sick, so Gona and Baca have been great in filling in for us!

The other night she was at Gona's and had a few fun moments. During bath she was putting toys in all the corners of the tub an told her that she was "decorating for Christmas." Then she sang some made up song singing "decorating, decorating" over and over. Then on the way home in the rain she bopped her head side to side and said she was "jis like the winshielwipers."

Josh took her to dinner last weekend at a mexican restaurant. They had quesadillas and blue corn chips. As usual Kenna wanted to "save some for later" and take her chips home. Josh purposfully left them there, thinking day old chips are no good. Later in the day she almost started crying saying she wanted her "chocolate chips" I guess dark blue chips could look like chocolate to a two year old!

I am still pregnant. Up at least 3 times a night to go potty, and not sleeping really well, but other than that no real complaints :) I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to see if things have progressed at all. Right now I know he is head down, loves to wiggle, and that I am 2-3cm hopefully I can hold out until my mom gets here next week!

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