Monday, July 13, 2009


Yesterday was the last day of summerfest. We decided to stall nap as long as we could, so Kenna could stay up for fireworks. Then, after her nap we went to the carnival with Andersen's. The girls loved the rides this year! They were old enough to be giddy and Kenna had no fear, wanting to go on the really scary ones.

After the rides we ate dinner from our favorite local restaurant, Yannis (they had a booth there) and went home. We took baths and got the kids in their PJs. Zachary fell asleep, but Kenna was psyched for fireworks! We had the agreement that she couldn't be whiny or we would stay home. She did great! We packed up the car with lawn chairs, popcorn and blankets around 9:30. We drove around till we were close enough to see the fireworks, but far enough away that we could jump in the car fast to get home before the crazy traffic!

--meeting Chloe at the carnival--

--riding the elephants--


--way fun slide....she loved it!--

--Zachary was very content watching from the stroller-- 

--she loved the roller coaster--

--they were screaming like the big kids!--

--our "spot" right outside the car--

--she thought the fireworks were "so cool!"--

We had such a good time. We have such wonderful kids. And to make things even better Zachary slept till 6:30 and Kenna until 7. We had to wake them up this morning!

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