Monday, October 25, 2010

Zachey's 18 Month Stats

A little behind in posting this! Took him to the doctor last week:

Height - 33.5 inches (50th percentile)
Weight - 27 lbs (60th percentile)

In his defense, we didn't take off any clothes or his wet diaper as he is a big boy now and can stand on the scale! He did great with his 3 shots (we did flu shot as well.)

Kenna did.......less-well with her flu shot. We talked about it a few days before and all day she was stressed about getting a shot. Her teacher told me that during "news" time at school (they sit in a circle and the directoress asks if anyone has any news) Kenna stood up and said that today she had to get a shot. Obviously she was stressing over it. By the time we got to the doctor and made it back to the office, she started freaking out. It took 3 nurses to hold her down and Zachey got really mad. He started yelling at the nurses for hurting his sister. Was very sweet in a sort of sad way!

Oh well, both kids are immunized! At least with Kenna it is only once a year!!

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