Saturday, August 20, 2011


So after a few very successful trips to the grocery store with three kids who all want to ride in the cart, today we had a major turn of events. We have a block party tonight and I had to get like 3 things to make some amazing marshmallow peanut butter brownies. Well we started off well, scoring a cart that would hold all of them, but about halfway through the store Grayson started crying, at first whimpers then full on ugly cry...he was tired apparently. Then Zachey started pushing Kenna in the little car attached to the cart, and Kenna started pushing Zachey, then they both started screaming "stop it" louder and louder. No amount of scolding stopped the endless pushing and yelling. Finally I just grabbed what I needed and headed to checkout where the bagger went slower than I have ever seen...I got some sympathetic looks as well as some irritated ones. Apparently my pep talk about being good in the store fell on deaf ears with my older two.

I grabbed Grayson's car seat, Zachey's hand and the nice man followed me out to the car and loaded my groceries (they do that at this grocery store.) Of course I see some people I know and they are like "out on your own with all of them today eh?"

I can really handle all three, they are normally very good and listen well...they must know that daddy is coming home today and wanted to finish the week strong....Ugh.


Lisa said...

I feel your pain. Hang in there and remember that we all have moments of even days where that happens but it doesn't last forever. Strangers don't know your or your kids, who cares what they think:)

Brandi said...

thanks Lisa! The transition from 2 to 3 has been quite a learning curve :)