Monday, October 03, 2011


We have sort of made it a tradition to have a GIANT bonfire at the beginning of fall at Gona and Bacas. They have 15 acres and accumulate quite the pile of dead tree parts :) Usually the fire is about as big as a house when it is going, and you have to stand back at least 50 feet or its too hot! This year there was a burn ban, but we still had a good time inviting a bunch of friends!

Tim and Janice came down from Wisconsin, Boz, Wade and their families came from Josh's work and Eski brought her kids along with the Kohl kids, so we had quite a turnout!

 --Macie was a bit skiddish at first--

--but once she figured out how to feed them hay and oats she was enjoying herself!--


--the ducks are another fan favorite!--

--Macie so badly wanted to "pet da duckies!"--

--she was quite upset that they kept running from her!--

--we all went on a few hay rides around the property--

--the boys playing football and volleyball--

--poor Eski, even on her day off surrounded by kiddos :) --

--they all took turns jumping on the trampoline--

Everyone brought food. There were burgers, hot dogs, so many dips, chips, drinks, cookies, cake...nothing very good for you, but all delish! After we ate, we hung out by the fire.

Kenna and Daddy were riding the big four wheeler in the dark when I heard her scream. I, of course, freaked out and ran towards her. We thought that maybe she just bumped her knee, but upon inspection, she got a nasty bee sting. We took her inside, cleaned her up, but by the time we were done, all kids were exhausted. So home we went...lots of fun!!

--We just love this tradition!--

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