Thursday, May 31, 2012

Things I Say

As they are getting older, I am truly realizing how vastly different raising a boy and a girl is.

Things I have never said to McKenna but have said (or often say) to Zachey:

- Please don't eat your boogers
- Please don't play with your pee pee
- Rylee is not a horse
- You have to wear clothes to go outside
- Please don't put your (toothbrush, spiderman, spoon, etc.) in your (nose, ear, armpit, etc.)
- Don't throw that
- Don't sit on that
- The sofa is not a trampoline
- Please don't play with your pee pee
- How did you get mud/dirt/sand (in your underwear, in your hair, in your ears, etc.)
- What is in your hair?
- Please don't play with your pee pee
- Zachey, Zachey, Zachey, hello...Zachey....(Zachary: "what?")
- How much sand did you eat?
- Please don't pee on (your leg, the wall, the floor, your socks, the sink, rylee's bowl, the garbage can, etc.)
- Yes, superman goes poop in the toilet
- ...because boys don't need bras
- We do not eat (mud, sand, grass, things out of the garbage, dogfood, etc.)
- Where are your shoes?
- How did you get (up there, down there, in there?)
- Don't jump on that
- Please don't climb on the nice grandma lady
- Please do not run through McKenna's karate class screaming
- Grayson is not a toy
- Please don't drink the soapy bath water
- Please don't play with your pee pee

I love you Zachey...never a dull moment!

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