Thursday, April 11, 2013

Haircut of death

Don't let the smile fool you, this little guy was screaming for the better part of 20 minutes as I had them cut his hair. He has needed a haircut for soooo long. It was so passed the cute baby hair over the ear phased and was moving to full grown mullet.

I took him and talked to him the whole way about how he was a big boy, and he was going to sit in a chair and get a sucker. We walked in and up to the chair and he started screaming. Grayson is usually completely mellow, but for whatever reason HATES haircuts. So, I sat down and he laid his head on my chest while crying and she cut half his hair, then we switched him to the other side.

I tried to tell silly stories about Rylee hiding in the hair cut store. He seemed inquisitive asking "Where?" Or "no.....?"

Finally he took the sucker I had been trying to give him and sat facing me on the chair and she got the back of his hair. Me, his truck and Grayson were all covered in little baby hairs...not the day to wear fleece!

Oh well, he looks cute as a bug and like he grew up a whole year! I had to go through all his clothes this weekend too and weed out all the 18 month stuff! Same with Mr. Z put away all the 3T! Its all too short for him!

Sad that my babies are babies, but really enjoying this time where they are so fun!

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