Sunday, January 10, 2016

Grayson Christmas Program

Ms. Betsy tried something a little different this year for the winter program. Instead of a formal program where the kids got all dressed up and sang and entertained us for a few hours - we got to spend the day doing what they do. I really loved it! I got to see Grayson go from task to task - see the "work" he chooses each day - what is his favorite and what he doesn't enjoy as much. My most favorite moment was watching him try to match the weights. There are many different cylinders that all have varying weights and they are supposed to match them. Many times he tried to match the 18 different cylinders and many times he made errors (I tried later and its really hard!!!) 

But, every time he got it wrong he just put them back in the main pile and tried again. He was so patient and diligent and it probably took him 10 minutes to finish but he was so happy when he did! I hope he can keep that work ethic and patience his entire life! So proud of our little man!!

And - since he goes everyday, I got to go two days in a row! Once with daddy and once with Gona. So happy to share these special memories! The finished the day singing a few very cute christmas songs. Cutest thing ever is watching a bunch of 3-5 year old sing "click click click" and try to snap their fingers above their head....just priceless :)

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