Friday, February 08, 2008

Fun ramblings

This morning Mac woke up at 4:30! In an attempt to get her to go back to sleep I got her a drink and took it up to her. I covered her up and closed the door. I only filled the drink half full, because otherwise it could leak in her bed. At 6:00 I heard a quiet, "mama, more? mama, more?" Then a much louder and more emphasized, "mama, MORE! MAMA MORE!" I go in her room and she starts giggling and holding her empty cup up, expecting more drink. Then she proceeded to tell me "oh no, baby owie me" I guess she bumped her head against her doll and wasn't too happy :)

Tonight we picked out some new flannel "ba ba" jammies that have sheep on them. She had to point at every sheep and let me know "two ba ba, two ba ba, two ba ba" she thinks that all letters are A and all numbers are 2. At least we are on the right track!

Then we sang "rock by baby" together and she asked for "bea, baney, baby and ba-ba" (bear, blankey, doll and doll's bottle).

Good night my sweet princess :)

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