Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fun days at daycare

Last week was Braden's last day at day care. McKenna and Braden started going to Heather's at about the same time, so it was sad to say goodbye. His family is moving, so Heather got a picture of all the kids together! How she did it, I have no idea!!
--kenna, cole, heather, nick (kenna calls him nicky), braden, wyatt and jenna--
It sounds like there is a little boy that is starting next week that is kenna's age, so they will probably have a great time together!
A few weeks ago Kenn'a friend Braden moved so they had a couple pictures of all the kids taken. I can't believe that Heather got them all to sit still! She is such a great nanny!

1 comment:

Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

I cannot believe how much she looks like mom!