Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Toddlers say the darndest things

I need to be better about writing all the cute things kenna says.

Lately she has a few favorite phrases:

"No, I DO IT!"
"Kenna's turn"
"Not time for (leaving, bath, bedtime) yet!"
"I get the candy!!" (after she goes potty)
"mommy will take it away!" (when she is doing something naughty)
"dese are all my fwends" (talking about people on TV, her animals, things in her book, pretty funny!)
"I no go to Headers (heather's) I stay home wit mommy!"

Everything with S's are pronounced with a yu sound. For example "yurt" (shirt) "yous" (shoes) you get the idea.

Every morning the same thing:
mommy: "Kenna, what do you want for breakfast?"
kenna: "hmmm, oatmeal, and banana, and juice and vinamin (vitamin)"

Funniest thing this morning. I am eating my breakfast and Kenna exclaims "oh no mommy, I have a problem!" She had spilled some oatmeal on her jammies, so I cleaned it up. Then in the cutest most concerned voice "oh no mommy, I have a BIG problem!" She spilled it on her chair and bib...pretty hilarious!

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