Sunday, June 15, 2014

Union Park

In catching up with Char in a phone conversation, we decided that we hadn't seen eachother in far too long! I suggested we take the kids to Union park and ride the Heritage carousel! Kenna was being a little sassy saying it was for little kids, but at the end of the day she said "best day ever!"

We worked in the yard all morning moving 30+ wheelbarrows of dirt to the small garden over two days. Grayson is my workaholic, the other two need some coaxing. We packed a lunch and headed to the park!

The kids played in the water for about an hour before we ate.

I love this picture of Kenna, so genuine and beautiful. Such a lovely girl (even if I am biased!)

Here they are making "butt snakes" with the trails of water from their wet fannies.

I find it hilarious the things kids are afraid of. Zachary loved riding the carousel, but wanted to sit in this chair every time - NOT go on the animals that went up and down. And Grayson just shouted "I don't want to go!!" so we stood behind the gate and watched. Oh well, they all had fun!!

1 comment:

Mr nobody said...

Can you please send me your naked picture