Sunday, July 17, 2016

Outside Shenanigans

April 16, 2015

Finally it was planting day! Mid April left no more frost warnings in the forecast. This has been a ho-hum year for our garden. We had a great crop of raspberries - but most of the other plants are being slowly eaten by deer, rabbits, or other hungry creatures. Even my upper garden with a rabbit fence has been penetrated. But, I did have this cute planting buddy! 

And speaking of my cute planting buddy this was also his first year of soccer. This kid was the cutest little dude on the field. So focused and into it. He is definitely going to be an athlete. It was only a 6 week club through rush. One of the days was around 30 degrees. I had him out there in a winter coat, gloves and hat, I had a winter coat and two blankets and he was happy as a clam. Crazy kid! He definitely loved soccer!

These manly men had to dig 4 foot holes for our pergola. Josh had designed a pergola that mirrored the angles of the wall. He said that this was the hardest thing he has ever done. This contraption did not have a it was man versus machine when it got so low that it got stuck. Glad Damon was there to help because there is NO WAY I would have been able to do this! Luckily all 5 holes were finished with only minimal hiccups (including a rock they had to dig out on the last one.) Hopefully this is the hardest part of the multi-step process!

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