Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Busy Summer!

Started off summer with a bang! Lots of fun camps and kid activities, a trip to tropical snow and watching Brayden during the summer while his mom was working for a few days.

Kenna also played her first 3v3 tournament. No one warned me out these! Otto, her coach, thought it would be good to push the girls and sign them up for a tournament. Well, it was over 100 degrees heat index, and they only had 2 subs....the games were short, and they played their little hearts out but they were way outmatched! She played 4 games that day and was absolutely pooped! I have never seen her so physically drained! At the same time, we had to rally and push through! After a slushie at tropical smoothie she was ready to push through to the end. There were some tears and exhaustion...but was proud of how she stuck with it! I was hot and I was just sitting watching!!!

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