Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Grayson and Daddy Birthday

june 7

5 is such a big number - it means I have no more toddlers in my house, no more babies! Grayson always seemed to grow up faster than the others, but this birthday solidifies that! He is my smarty pants, always wanting to help and be with me. He has a unquenchable desire to learn new things and be able to do anything his brother and sister can. He is the sweetest and I am so lucky to be his mom!

I tried an new technique with bday cakes this year and made a goofy cake for Grayson - it turned out great!! Josh got lemon bars and we had a big family party! Chelsey made Grayson an upgraded version of his baby blanket - although he still just loves that monkey blankey!

A lot of growing up happens from 5 - 6....I love you so much Gman!

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