Monday, March 31, 2008

McKenna's first joke

McKenna is always making us laugh with her silly physical antics, she surprised me today with her understanding of humor on a different level. Today, as I was laying her down for her nap, she was asking for her typical staples for naptime. "mommy, bear? blankey? baby?" So I got her all those things and tucked her in. Every time we tuck her in she asks for milk, and we laugh saying "no drinks upstairs." Today she was laying in bed, and looked at me, smiled and said "mommy, milk?" Of course I said, "no drinks silly!" Then she looked at me and started giggling and said "mommy, nana?" Meaning, mommy, can I have a banana in bed. She thought it was hilarious, and I cracked up at her understanding of fun :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, McKenna understands American jokes better than me! Rika