Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bath Time

Tonight's bathtime dialog:

Zachey: "Mom, where is my raincloud?"
Me: "I don't know honey?" <- This usually works....
Zachey: "But I need it to make it rain?"
Me: "What does it look like?"
Zachey: "It is a cloud that makes rain" (Thanks....?)
I proceeded to show him every toy in the tub, "Is this it? How about this?"
He would giggle and say, "NO sidley (silly), dats Peter Pan" or "no, dats my letters."
Finally I found the small sponge that we used to use to wash Grayson when he was a baby. It was hidden under a boat.
Zachey: "Der it is! My rain cloud!"
He then filled it with water and made it "rain" on peter cute :)

1 comment:

Spencer and Chelsey Shoemaker said...

uhmm.. I LOVE this post!! So cute!! :)