Friday, December 27, 2013

Disney Vacation Part 3

The next day we hit epcot without the crazy rain! We had to go on the ride inside the ball again. And we did the test track and a few other fun rides. Zachey "hated" the test track. Too fast and scary. His phrase of the trip was "That was terrible!" But we can laugh about it now!

Then we be-bopped back to Disneyworld. We wanted to see what the hype was about the new Beauty and the Beast ride. It wasn't really a ride, more a skit that the kids got involved in. Zachey got chosen to play Mrs. Potts.

He seemed to enjoy it, and we enjoyed the air conditioning! Was sooooo humid! Then all the big kids, essentially everyoen but Zachey wanted to ride Splash Mountain. We took the opportunity to meet woody and jessie. The timing was perfect and we met up with everyone after. Then they wanted to go again, so we headed over to meet Aladdin. He decided he would rather do the magic carpet ride, so elected to do that instead.

The treehouse was really fun. Wish we had it in our backyard! We ran into the rest of the family there, and we realized we had some very tired kids. Thought we would take the afternoon to go swim and relax again.

Kenna enjoyed pretending to be a whale and Zachey just loved the independence of the floaty. Once we got the temperature gauge figured out, the pool was great!

The following day mom, brandon, chels and spencer went to universal studios. We wanted to take the kids to the beach! A few years ago we found a great one, and went to the same one again. The kids did pretty well and had a great time building sand castles, eating lunch and finding shells!

One of the coolest/scariest parts of the experience was this school of what we thought were stingrays that kept swimming by! I would lift Zachey out of the water and slightly scream! A local walked by and said that they were manta rays and harmless - well didn't I feel silly! Was cool to watch them swim along the shore and eat the smaller fish!

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